Retro Air Filter

Air-cleaners are available in all imaginable shapes and sizes. Performance, custom, chopper or traditional? L&L Choppers have ’em all and they will advise you about the right type of air-cleaner that suits your style of bike.
Not only they have a wide range of aftermarket parts, L&L Choppers also design parts that are not yet available on the custombike market.

Check out this unique air-cleaner, which is more Retro than one can handle!
It is a compact air-cleaner which unveils a lot of your V-twin engine.


Though, the size is sufficient to let your engine breath for optimum performance.

The casted matt-aluminium cover with retro-pattern will turn many heads and it certainly will look good on a old skool chopper.

Do you want it in black? Of course there are many possibilities. Contact L&L Choppers for info.
