Craftsmanship at L&L Choppers

Furniture makers , clock makers , blacksmiths … Fewer and fewer people understand the art of old skool craftsmanship, which requires a pair of big callused hands, smart thinking and a creative mind. This craft is also needed for building choppers like the way they used to do it way back. Those days, there were no shelves packed full of ready-made chopper-parts… let alone AutoCAD and CNC machines.

L&L Choppers believes that traditional craftsmanship should never be lost. Because… what is more unique than a hand-fabricated bike?

The young chopper builder Paul proves that this way of craftsmanship isn’t just reserved for old gray bikers. Everything his eyes see, his hands can make. He prefer doing things the old skool way. Latest acquisition – or should we say “oldest” – is a rock-solid and conventional milling machine from 1945. It’s antique distribution-table is something that Paul has cracked his brains about… “But it works just as well as modern digital equipment,” says Paul, who also made tools himself to make concave- and convex parts on the lathe.”…A wonderful tool to make large rolls for a powerful pipe-bender. Very useful for making frames,”  says Paul , who makes tools to make ehh… tools.

Do you, just like us, fancy traditionally built choppers?
Meet Paul at  L&L Choppers and be amazed!
