Bit of a Swedish Chopper

A model with a long fork, low and down, is described as a Swedish model.
Jaap wanted such a long front fork that gives you a bit of a Swedish chopper feeling.
The tank with content and the softail frame do not belong to this style, but make the chopper unique and completely according to the customer’s wishes.

Swedish chopper with long fork

The chopper enthusiast is only a small group and among them is only 1 ‰ who prefer a long fork.

A rear tyre of a car, shortened supertrap dampers with homemade Early Shovel curves, oval oil tank, short JJ tank and an extremely long fork. Sissy bar for the duffel bag and to create a regal sitting position.

Our roots lie with these 1 promille enthusiasts, the chopper is extreme but for us it’s a kick!

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