Swedish chopper with long fork

The chopper enthusiast is only a small group and among them is only 1 ‰ who prefer a long fork.

A rear tyre of a car, shortened supertrap dampers with homemade Early Shovel curves, oval oil tank, short JJ tank and an extremely long fork. Sissy bar for the duffel bag and to create a regal sitting position.

Our roots lie with these 1 promille enthusiasts, the chopper is extreme but for us it’s a kick!

Early Shovel with Zerostyle hardtail

Koen is a great lover of the Zerostyle chopper. After the renovations on his bikes there was an Early Shovel in the corner of the garage, suitable for a new project.

L & L has made the hardtail frame to koen’s desired specifications and because of his busy profession, and therefore a shortage of free time, we also helped with the design.

Sleeve Springer with ribbed plates

For Michel, our customer from the Early Shovel Freestyle Chopper, we continued working on the springer front fork. After some time working on the design, this has become the result.

Sleeve Springer

The springer is equipped with ribbed triple trees and we have fitted the front and rear fork with sleeves. The front fork part naturally runs with round shapes to the springs. The whole is completed with a Tillerbar handlebar (formerly a Swedish handlebar).

Early Shovel Chopper

We started with the construction of a Highneck Chopper for Michel. We’re going to use an Early Shovel block and a 5-speed with kickstarter.

The hardtail frame is specifically built to let the smooth lines come out nicely. Both the above and rear tubes are curved in a radius. The wheels are from billet aluminum and the brakesystem will be a hydra drum brake.

Early Shovel Chopper Frame

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