Magnificent Basterd

Jeroen has been nearly a quarter century devoted to custom bikes. A Harley has always been his dream and finally the circumstances allowed this to happen. A bobber speaks to him the most and at L & L Choppers his dreams became true!

As a basis the choice was for a Sportster 1200 softail with a 200 tire. With such a large behind there needs to be a nice mug and therefore there was a lowered front fork mounted with a substantial piece of rubber.

The design is organic because of Jeroen’s love for curves. Chrome is for Jeroen not done, because cleaning is not his thing. Driving is what matters and that includes a good sound. It was decided to use long exhausts – Jeroen is also not the smallest. The paintjob was to build upon the base color of the rear rim.

Another beautiful Sportster bobber on Holland’s roads and Jeroen is very happy with it!

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