Swedish chopper with long fork

The chopper enthusiast is only a small group and among them is only 1 ‰ who prefer a long fork.

A rear tyre of a car, shortened supertrap dampers with homemade Early Shovel curves, oval oil tank, short JJ tank and an extremely long fork. Sissy bar for the duffel bag and to create a regal sitting position.

Our roots lie with these 1 promille enthusiasts, the chopper is extreme but for us it’s a kick!

Frame for an electric motor

At L&L, a motor with electrical assistance is not on our wish list.
But when customer Alex came by with 200 mm rear tire, 50 amp battery, 3000w Electra motor, a Chopper front fork, an example of a frame assembled with a glue gun and the question whether we could make a nice frame, we thought this was a nice challenge.

A nice job for the autumn,   where we will see with which material we can build a nice frame for this with of course …. a specific L&L design!

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