Photoshoot – Yuri’s AttacKIT

You’ve probably already seen a few photos come by from Yuri’s AttacKIT, but now we’ve got the full photoshoot! For the photos click here: Yuri’s AttacKIT

A little recap:

To build a simple Sportster chopper, that was Yuri’s intention, who lives just a stone’s throw away from L&L Choppers. But, as you can see, it has not stayed simple!

Old School with Panhead look

Panhead covers for Harley

We have another set of Panhead covers left. These can be used for Evo engines but are also suitable for Sportster.

If you are interested, let us know soon because else they’re gone!

Seat shock absorber

If you build a vintage hardtail and want some extra comfort,  a shock absorber with a modern spring system is the solution.

This time we’ve chosen to work with levers.

seat shock absorber
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