Forward controle for the KH

The shift pedal on the Sportster KH is on the rightside. Because this is not the most ideal situation, we put the foot pedal from the rightside to left at the customer’s request.

Through the use of an axle, levers and rods we give a vintage look to the Boardtracker.

Black NG Retro Springer (30375WE)

The photo shows a springer with a short length, the difference is that the eye of the brake rod higher is attached on the right side, which is favorable for the braking action. With a L&L brake plate you can attach the original caliper again.

This jumper has a reasonable price of € 1195.-

springer 30375WE

Stainless steel brakeline for the Old Skool Chopper for Yuri

Yuri helps us out most of the times with some odd jobs during the fair and open days. With some guidance from Paul he is finishing his Old Skool Chopper.

At present he is working on the brakeline. A flexible one is most commonly used, but this time we didn’t want that! Therefore, this time we’ve opted for a fixed brakeline. This is being put in place with chrome brackets.

Stainless steel brakeline


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